
The Zika Virus and Malta

There is a lot of concern in Malta at the moment regarding the spread of the Zika virus, so here is a short article.

In summary, the Zika virus can be spread by the Asian tiger mosquito, so we could be at risk of catching Zika if it spreads to Malta. Remember that the Asian tiger mosquito is active during the day rather than at night, and you can follow guidelines which can help minimise the risk of being bitten.


What is the Zika virus?

Zika is a virus which is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes.


What happens to a person who catches the Zika virus?

Most people show no symptoms, and those who do have “Zika fever” usually have only mild symptoms, such as a mild headache, back pain and fever, and a rash which starts to fade after 2 days.

Like other viruses, Zika can (rarely) trigger a severe reaction in some adults, causing the body’s immune system to mistakenly attack the nerves of the body. This is called Guillain–Barré syndrome, and the symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening.


How does Zika affect unborn children?

There has been a marked increase in reported cases of microcephaly (small head and brain) in newborns in Brazil, and the cause is unknown. However since Brazil is also going through a pandemic of the Zika virus, it is suspected that Zika is causing microcephaly when pregnant women are bitten and infected.

Authorities are investigating the link, but so far it is suspected, not proven. However women who are pregnant or could become pregnant, are currently being advised to avoid areas where Zika is spreading.

A side-by-side comparison of two babies, one with microcephaly.
Microcephaly comparison
Source: Wikimedia


What is the treatment for someone infected with Zika?

There is no treatment for Zika. It is a virus, and antibiotics do not work on it. Like other viral infections with mild symptoms, the patient is encouraged to rest until the symptoms pass.


How is Zika transmitted?

Zika is transmitted by certain types of mosquitoes, when they bite an infected person and then go on to bite other people. The mosquitoes native to Malta are not known to transmit Zika, however one of the confirmed vectors is the Asian tiger mosquito which has been spreading in Malta since 2010.

These types of mosquitoes are active during the day, not at night.

It is suspected that Zika may be transmitted between humans in other ways, such as through kissing or sex, and can be passed from a pregnant mother to her unborn child.


Where did Zika come from?

Zika was first isolated from a monkey in 1947 in Uganda, but studies found it to be widespread among people in Africa and Asia. In 2014, the virus spread to Central America, where there is now a pandemic in Brazil.


Has Zika spread to Europe?

There have been confirmed cases of travellers returning to Europe while infected with Zika, having caught it while visiting other countries, but so far there are no confirmed cases of transmission within Europe.


Has Zika spread to Malta?

So far there has been one case of a traveller who returned to Malta after being infected with Zika. However there is no indication that the virus has spread from him to anyone else.


Have we got mosquitoes that can carry Zika in Malta?

Yes. Zika is transmitted by mosquitoes in the Aedus family, including the Aedus albopictus, more commonly known as the Asian tiger mosquito, which is an invasive species now found in Malta.

A female Asian tiger mosquito prepares to feed on a human host. Source: CDC / Wikipedia
A female Asian tiger mosquito prepares to feed on a human host.
Source: CDC / Wikipedia


How can we protect against getting bitten in Malta?

Prevent the Asian tiger mosquito from breeding
Prevent the Asian tiger mosquito from entering your building
Prevent the Asian tiger mosquito from biting you


Breeding Prevention

The Asian tiger mosquito can only fly around 180m in its lifetime, so it breeds close by where it is biting humans, and one way to combat this mosquito is to make the area around your building less hospitable for it to lay eggs.

Check areas such as roofs, washrooms, balconies, gardens and your bitħa if you have one.

The Asian Tiger mosquito lays eggs by a water source, and after the eggs hatch, the larvae need water for the next 10 to 14 days until they become adult mosquitoes and fly away. Look for and remove or cover water sources or items that could trap rain water, such as plastic containers, buckets, bowls, long-lasting puddles, children’s toys, litter and building waste. As little as one capful of water is enough to allow the Asian tiger mosquito to breed.

If you have water sources which you which to leave available, such as a child’s paddling pool or water play table, then replace the water at least once a week, as by doing so you will remove any mosquito larvae that could be in the water, and disrupting their cycle.

Stagnant water in a child's paddling pool. Photo Credit: erix! via Compfight cc
Stagnant water in a child’s paddling pool.
Photo Credit: erix! via Compfight cc

If you have outdoor decorations such as pots or vases, you can fill these with sand or gravel. Make sure your roof water tank cover is in place, and check for leaks or drips from the tank and pipes. If you have an air-conditioner, check that there is no dripping condensation outdoors that is collecting into a permanent puddle, and if there is, contain it such as by running a pipe from your unit down into a drain or closed container. If you have a pool, there are treatments which can be used to kill mosquito larvae.

An air-conditioner outflow pipe leading to a bottle instead of dripping on the ground. Photo Credit: Daquella manera via Compfight cc
An air-conditioner outflow pipe leading to a bottle instead of dripping on the ground.
Photo Credit: Daquella manera via Compfight cc


You can encourage your neighbours to also check and remove water sources, and talk with your Local Council if there are nearby areas with dumped building waste, piles of litter, old tyres or abandoned machines.


Entry Prevention

Installing insect screens on windows and doors can be very effective, as can using an air-conditioner (since doors and windows are kept closed when an air-conditioner is in use).


Biting Prevention

Out of doors, be especially cautious in areas which are likely to provide a favourable environment for mosquitoes to breed, such as rural areas with puddles, or urban areas with litter or building waste that could hold stagnant water.

The Asian Tiger mosquito is active during the day, especially just after sunrise and just before sunset, so try to wear clothing that covers your arms and legs during the day, and especially at these times. Avoid dark clothing, which attracts mosquitoes, and wear socks and shoes since the Asian tiger is prone to biting the lower leg.

Use insect repellent, and the ingredient DEET is particularly effective, but always follow the instructions, especially regarding its use by pregnant women and small children. When in doubt, consult a doctor. Natural repellents can also be effective, but tend to wear off faster and require more frequent re-application.

Do not rely on repellent methods that use sound or UV light, as they do not work on the Asian tiger mosquito.


Is there a vaccine against Zika?

No, there is no vaccine against Zika. Work has started on developing one, but it is predicted to take 2 years for development, and several more years to fully test it before releasing for public use.


I’m in Malta and I’m pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, what should I do?

You should talk about any concerns with your doctor.



Sale time!

The January sales have started – Mothercare, BHS and Mamas & Papas are all running sales right now. Time to think about buying for next year!



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I’ve been dreaming of launching a website for Maltese parents for a while now, and today is the day it finally happened!

I hope that Familti (“My Family” in Maltese) is useful to parents raising children in Malta (or anywhere, for that matter), and if you’d like to make a suggestion or contribute information, please drop me a line.